Our educational materials are organized online in a F.A.Q. format. Below you will find the questions that are answered in these informative pages.

You can also download the entire pamphlet by clicking here.

Lastly, be sure to visit our Links & Resources page for links to up-to-date online resources relating to Group B Strep.



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What is Group B Strep (GBS)?

Who May Be Affected by Group B Strep?

How Common is GBS Disease in Newborns?

How Do Babies Get Sick from GBS Disease?

Are Certain Babies More Vulnerable to GBS Disease?

How is a Baby Tested for GBS disease?

How is GBS transmitted? Is GBS a sexually transmitted Disease?

Can pregnant women be checked for GBS colonization?

What are a mother's risk factors for developing GBS disease?

How can GBS disease in newborns and mothers be prevented?

Is There a Vaccine for GBS?

Should Women Who Have Had a Previous GBS Positive Baby Have More Children?

GBS and Breastfeeding

Remember: Prevention is the key!